Genre: 3DCG, animated, big ass, big tits, fantasy, group sex, handjob, Harem, Male Protagonist, MONSTER GIRL, Oral sex, titfuck, vaginal sex
Censorship: No
Language: English
Size: 2.5 GB [Win/Mac]
After searching for work for a long time and months, you finally get a job as a bellhop at an interdimensional hotel called The Sexus Resort. Your job description, given by the mysterious “Keeper,” is to ensure that sexy resort residents are pleased with their experience, no matter what it needs to be.
It is possible to expand your resort by strengthening the relationship with residents. Meet women who are inspired by all types of fetishes and go on dates with them.
When you reach 20 VB with a girl you’ll be able to ask her to bed when ending the day
6 new sex scenes, one for each girl
You share your bed then have the option to initiate sex. It’s your choice!