Genre: 3DCG, Animated, Male protagonist, MILF, Big tits, Cheating, Corruption, Handjob, Romance
Censorship: No
Language: English
Size: 1.3 GB [Win/Mac]
It’s fall 2018 and a young man has traveled to college out of state. Unfortunately, the college is undertaking some much needed repairs to its dormitories which means some students have to lodge with local families. Luckily, for our young hero, he’s landed on his feet and has received a billet with a MILF who is harboring a secret of her own that may involve the protagonist…
Saved games from versions earlier than 0.9 might not work. Use at your own risk.
The gallery will not activate until after you begin the last scene with Mrs Hunter. Once that has happened, a piece of code will trigger and unlock previous scenes. This does not apply to new games when the triggers will fire at the correct time.]
Game completion scenes.
New scenes in the mall (be careful!)
Repeatable scenes after game completed (four new animated h-scenes).
Final version.
Script source files supplied for third-party bug fixes.
This game was vert short. Once you have searched the house and found nothing, you are stuck. There is nowhere else to go and you can’t advance time or go to sleep. Where are the items you are supposed to be looking for. There is nothing.
Agree w/ Kevin’s comments. I’ve played v0.3.5 several times, but can’t make any progress. The last attempt was using the script.rpa file. Played intro, found wanking photos, showered, slept, had breakfast w/ the landlady and got the wifi password. But from there, cannot log into laptop matriculate, and can’t progress beyond that point. This game appears to have a lot of potential, but IMO it needs a walkthrough.
Why give the option to change the main characters name, if the landlady is going to call you Adam anyway? Doesn’t make much since.
After the shower in the gym, you need to go home.
There’s no way to leave.
Compas is not clickable