Genre: Visual Novel, Date-Sim, Erotic Adventure, Sexy Girls, Big Tits, Beautiful Ass, 3DCG , Big Tits, Lesbian, Voyeurism, Incest, Family Sex
Censorship: No
Language: English, Russian
Size: 191 MB
The protagonist – Karl, whose father died not so long ago, lived an ordinary life, with his mother and younger sister. But one day he realizes that his life is not so ordinary: falling asleep in his room in the evening, he finds himself in the head of his neighbor Sveta, and seems to be able to influence the course of her thoughts …
In the process of playing, Karl will learn about the secret of the sister, help her mother with the restaurant business and use her neighbor to make money.
Version 0.0.3b Changelog:
* New scenes, dialogues …
* A slightly modified system of suggestion – now, the higher your relationship with the character, the more you can inspire him.
* The sentence is now not infinite, the more suggestibility, the more prolonged suggestion
* Added an opportunity to settle in a friend of Nastia-Olivia (while action is not enough, but I will develop it in the next versions).
* Ability to go to the Light when she is at home (this is also just preparation for the next versions).
* New offer of the mother, which will allow you to almost completely subordinate him (almost all the new scenes and pictures are based on this sentence).
Sorry! FORBIDDEN INCEST CONTENT!…mes_0.0.3b.rar
The game’sin Russian. How can I switch the language?
You have to enter options and you will find a option named “ENG” or something like that.
There seems to be a scene where the mother spanks her daughter, any idea how to see her?!2VVUGRjC!PaL10klP-vMqWctICjZSplD5-2VjR3BpGIEV2NUWx_s
Heres a Mod for the money and the clicks
Next time when you share a link on my website please ask me first, by email : [email protected]
i respect u for ur kindness ^^
thank you.
Dose not work…
Disregard, I’m apparently retarded. Just click on take money.
Seems like the author put it a bunch of work into the game, it’s just a shame that the mom character looks like Steven Tyler. I’m not saying the look as a human being isn’t realistic, but… I can’t help seeing ST instead.
Is there a way to retrieve the saves from V2? Or do we have to start over ?
I can astral travel too. Ones I had a lucid dream where i was at my crush’s house, When i was about put my dick in i was wake up. shit!
No lucid dreams ever since 🙁
Too bad the developer abandoned the project, it had potencial.