Genre: 3DCG, animated, BDSM, big breasts, blindfold, blowjobs, Boob jobs, Childhood Friend, elves, fantasy, Flat is Justice, Harem, Lesbian/Yuri, Male Protagonist, sex toys, Sisters, Slavery, Story Driven, threesome, Tomgirl, Virgins
Censorship: No
Language: English
Size: 2.7 GB [Win/Android]
You play the prince of a small tribe of warriors that has recently gained great renown. Your father uses that renown to marry you into an alliance consisting of 10 city states. Each city sends one of their noble daughters to be your bride, but they all have their own agenda! Meet up with them at your own Academy and get to know the various pretty nobles. But be careful, your father warns you that one of these families is responsible for your mother’s death!
[x] Cleaned up replay system significantly
A big Shoutout to Hemsoichia for his work in cleaning up the replay system.
Many bugs, errors, and quality of life changes were made to the initial system.
And methods for any additional scenes will be better as a result.
I really appreciate that. Show him some love on discord <3
[x] New icons for fast travel
Story Content:
[x] Isha and her sisters - 10 Events - 5 H-Scenes
[x] New Character Intro - 7 Events
[x] Demon Sword (Scarlet) - 4 Events - 4 H-Scenes
[x] Fixed a bug that caused Fredrika to skip options in her dialogue
[x] Fixed a bug where attempting to summon Priscilla fails even after she returns to academy
[x] Fixed and issue where Cleo thinks 11 is 1
[x] Fixed a bug where Priscilla would repeat her dialogue on food
[x] Fixed a bug where after meeting Lunette on Campus, Luce gets shy in the room.
[x] Fixed various typos
[x] Fixed an issue with Fredrika's options not showing
[x] Added flavor in some simple map shots
[x] Music added in scenes where there was previously none