Genre: 3DCG, Animated, Male Protagonist, Mobile Game, Corruption, Creampie, Dilf, Groping, Incest, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Voyeurism, Humor, Parody, PoV, Romance, Superpowers
Censorship: No
Language: English
Size: 708 MB [Win/Mac/Android]
When a young girl has the ultimate power over your emotions… do you want to resist?
A successful middle-aged man takes a break from work to take care of his shy goddaughter who for unknown reasons is developing empathic powers that can influence emotions. As they spend more time together and explore a dark event from their past, the story explodes into a mix of drama, old secrets and sensual revelations that involves a desperate married boss, a curvy ex-wife, a sporty stepdaughter and a mysterious exchange student.
This is a story-driven, slow-build game with emphasis on quality content. The first five chapters with 370 images are available now with more to follow!