Genre: Adventure, Male Protagonist, Romance, Dating Sim, Animated, 3DCG, Big Tits, Big Ass, Sci-fi, Titfuck, Creampie, Handjob, Vaginal Sex, Harem, Sandbox, Female Domination
Censorship: No
Language: English
Size: 2.2 GB [Win/Mac/Android]
You are the captain of spaceship and your crew is a bunch of cute girls. Explore your spaceship and build friendships and intimacy with your crew much like games such as “Mass Effect” and “Knights of the Old Republic.” Your mission is to explore and survey uncharted planets and experience the unique races and environments. Especially the cute girls. Oppai Odyssey includes completely animated scenes and sexy situations.
What’s new:
1 new girl
364 Renders
4 new animation
2k lines of code
10k words of dialog
Lots and lots of story content!
It’s here! Hope you all enjoy the next mission!