Genre: 3d game, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, cheating, Drugs, Exhibitionism, Female protagonist, footjob, Groping, group sex (hinted), handjob, Humour, incest (hinted), interracial, lesbian, mobile game, Oral sex, POV, Puzzle, Romance, sexual harrasment, Sleep sex, Teasing, vaginal sex, virgin, Voyeurism
Censorship: No
Language: English
Size: 1.2 GB [Win/Mac/Android]
Hanna Futile Resistance is an interactive adult visual novel that takes you along for a ride following the adventures or more to the point, the misadventures of Hanna McGuinness as she navigates her way through a sexy, fun filled journey layered with erotic tension and filthy pervyness, ever increasing to new highs (and lows (; hehe)
Thoughts of characters are now starting with (thinks) instead of being italic.
Dozens of spelling mistakes in episode 1 – 5 fixed. So if your save doesn’t load that’s why.
Distinguishing of the characters in Episode 3’s interrogation scene.
new animations and renders
One new song
Removed the Lost like intro from episode 2 since the following episodes never got intros.
Fixed a bug where the Passionate Project monolog keeps playing when hitting continue/start.
Added three missing variables.