Genre: 2DCG, big ass, big tits, Corruption, Female Domination, Furry, handjob, Harem, incest, Male Domination, Male Protagonist, masturbation, milf, mobile game, Romance, school setting, Teasing
Censorship: No
Language: English
Size: 500 MB [Win/Mac/Android]
You will take on the role of a high school student who returned to the town of his childhood some time ago.
The inhabitants of the town are mostly non-humans, but this doesn’t really affect the daily life of our main character.
His entire family are non-humans as well, everyone except him, because he is a half-breed.
You will have to build relationships with various female characters, including primarily family members, have fun!
The update is mainly about the teacher, pre demonstration of her storyline. Also in this update we meet a new character who will participate in the teacher’s branch. Also fixed some things in the 0.6 update. Now you can skip 1 scene if you want to.